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How Many Immigration Quotas Will There Be in the U.S. in 2025?

2025年即将到来。随着全球移民格局的变化以及美国大选尘埃落定,许多人对未来的美国移民 政策充满疑问:绿卡申请会不会更难?移民政策是否会进一步收紧?



2025年,美国职业移民的配额为140,000个,较2024年的16.5万大幅下降。为2020年以来的最 低水平。意味着全球职业移民的竞争将更为激烈,特别是对于中国移民需求较大的国家来说, 排期的压力将加大。



  • EB-1(杰出人才移民):28.6%,即40,040个名额

  • EB-2(高学历专业人才移民):28.6%,即40,040个名额

  • EB-3(技术工人、专业工人移民):28.6%,即40,040个名额

  • EB-4(宗教工作者、特殊移民):7.1%,即9,940个名额 

  • EB-5(投资移民):7.1%,即9,940个名额

这些配额按照全球范围内的移民需求进行分配,但具体到每个国家时,配额会受到一定限制。 每个国家的配额上限为全球该类别配额的7%。这意味着,中国移民申请大国将面临配额紧张的 问题,排期也会受到“剩余名额”的影响。


根据《移民法》第202条的规定,每个国家的EB移民配额上限为7%。对于2025年,意味着中国 申请人的EB-1类别仅有2,803个名额。这个名额不仅涵盖主申请人,还包括配偶和未满21岁的 未婚子女。因此,实际可以分配给中国申请人的名额更加有限。

With 2025 approaching, many are filled with questions about the future of U.S. immigration policy following the global shifts and the conclusion of the U.S. elections: Will green card applications become more difficult? Will immigration policies tighten further?

Understanding the quota distribution for 2025, particularly regarding the changes in priority dates for countries like China, will be a crucial step toward a successful application.

Overview of U.S. Employment-Based Green Card Quotas for 2025

In 2025, the quota for U.S. employment-based immigration will be 140,000, a significant decrease from 165,000 in 2024. This is the lowest level since 2020, meaning that competition for global employment-based immigration will be more intense, especially for countries with high demand for Chinese immigrants, where the pressure on priority dates will increase.

Quota Distribution by EB Categories:

In 2025, the U.S. Department of State will distribute quotas based on the priority of different EB categories as follows:

  • EB-1 (Extraordinary Ability Immigrants): 28.6%, or 40,040 visas

  • EB-2 (Professionals with Advanced Degrees): 28.6%, or 40,040 visas

  • EB-3 (Skilled Workers and Professionals): 28.6%, or 40,040 visas

  • EB-4 (Religious Workers and Special Immigrants): 7.1%, or 9,940 visas

  • EB-5 (Investor Immigrants): 7.1%, or 9,940 visas

These quotas are distributed based on global immigration demand; however, each country is subject to certain limits. The per-country cap is set at 7% of the global quota for that category. This means that major immigrant- sending countries like China will face tight quotas, and priority dates will also be impacted by "unused quotas.

Priority Dates and Quota Distribution for Chinese Immigrants

According to Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the per-country cap for EB immigrants is 7%. For 2025, this means that there will only be 2,803 EB-1 visas available for Chinese applicants. This number includes the principal applicant, their spouse, and any unmarried children under 21 years old. Therefore, the actual number of visas available for Chinese applicants is even more limited.

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